transistor circuit | bc 547 bc 557 transistor amplifier circuit

transistor circuit works | bc 547 bc 557 transistor amplifier circuit

transistor circuit works - Electronic Project


The BC557 is a famous 3-terminal semiconductor device used to switch or amplify electrical power supply & electronic signals in electronic circuit diagrams. It is a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) that falls under the project system family of PNP transistors i.e. 1 N-doped layer stands between the 2 P-doped layers. This is a general-purpose transistor available in a power supply package like TO-92. The BC557 has a Circuit diagram hFE rating range from 125 to 800 which makes it an ideal transistor to use as a small power supply signal amplifier in electronic circuits diagram.

The HFE ratings are determined by the Project system's last letter after the transistor number, for example, for the Circuit diagram BC557A transistor hFE ratings are 110-220, for the BC557B transistor it Project system is 200-450 hFE, and for the BC557C transistor, as it is 420-800 hFE. Another good feature of this transistor is the Project System maximum collector dissipation is 500 milliwatts Circuit diagram. The maximum collector current of this Currenttlou transistor is 100mA i.e. we can drive loads of a maximum of 100mA through the Currenttlou transistor.

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch Project system electronic signals and electrical power supply. It is composed of semiconductors and materials with at least 3 terminals for connection to an external circuit diagram. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals changes the current through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power supply can be higher than the controlling (input) power supply, a transistor can amplify a signal. Today, some transistors are packaged Currenttlou individually, but many more are found embedded in integrated circuits diagram.

Diagram of bc 547 bc 557 transistor amplifier circuit:

bc557 transistor projects

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Working Principle of What is a BC557 Transistor: Pin Configuration & Its Working:

The working of this transistor is; that this transistor is currently biased when we provide a current power supply to the base terminal, Project System so this base current must be limited to 5mA. Once this PNP transistor is completely biased, the Circuit diagram it allows 100mA of maximum current to power supply across the emitter & collector, currently so this stage is known as the Currenttlou Saturation Region. The typical voltage allowed across the Circuit diagram base-emitter or collector-emitter could be 200 & 900 mV respectively Project systems. Once the base current supply is removed this transistor will become completely off and this stage is known as the power supply cut-off region. The base-to-emitter voltage could be Currenttlou approximately 660 mV.

Here a simple overvoltage protection circuit diagram is designed with the help of transistors and also a power supply zener diode. This circuit diagram performs as a voltage regulator & also a circuit diagram breaker. Here we have a 5Volts load, Project system so we have connected a 5.1V zener diode. Generally, the power supply range of Zener diode voltage mainly depends on your device or load voltage and range.

This circuit diagram is very simple to design by using basic electronics and components as mentioned above Project System. To activate this circuit diagram, you have to choose the zener diode’s regulating voltage range Currenttlou depending on the load. After that, 2 BC557PNP transistors need to connect with a particular Power supply range of voltage. In this over-voltage protection circuit diagram, 2 BC557 PNP transistors are used as a Circuit diagram switch. The load LED close to the output specifies the Circuit diagram occurrence of output voltage in the allowed range of Currenttlou voltage.

Whenever we provide a DC power supply to a simple overvoltage protection circuit diagram, then the reverse-biased zener diode will work as a power supply voltage regulator & regulated voltage will flow throughout the Circuit diagram Q1 transistor & to the base terminal of the Q2 transistor. Here, Project System the Q2 transistor in the circuit diagram permits voltage from the i/p source to load. If the i/p source voltage enhances beyond 5Volts then in the Circuit diagram both the transistors will disconnect the load. This simple circuit diagram design defends Circuit diagram load from overvoltage.

The simplest way to switch moderate to high amounts of power is to use the transistor with an open-collector output and the transistor Emitter terminal connected directly to the ground. When used in this way, the transistor's open collector output can thus “sink” an externally supplied voltage to the ground thereby controlling any connected load. An example of an NPN Transistor as a switch being used to operate a power supply relay is given below. With inductive loads such as relays or solenoids a project system flywheel diode is placed across the load to dissipate the Currenttlou back EMF generated by the inductive load when the transistor switches “OFF and on” and so protect the Power Supply transistor from damage.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the maximum voltage of the BC557 transistor?

When this transistor is fully biased then it can allow a power supply maximum of 100mA to flow across the Currentlou collector and emitter. This stage is called the Saturation Region and the project system's typical voltage allowed across the Collector-Emitter (VCE) or Base-Emitter power supply (VBE) could be 200 and 900 mV Currenttlou respectively.

Is BC547 silicon or germanium?

The BC547 is a common NPN (Negative-Positive-Negative) transistor. It is a Bipolar Junction transistor that is commonly used to satisfy the need for quick switching. These types of bipolar transistors are made up of materials such as germanium, Circuit diagram silicon, and gallium arsenide.

Is BC547 an amplifier?

Transistors are frequently employed as amplifiers because the power between the emitter and collector can be higher than the base. Specifically, as it is a BC547 NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor Circuit diagram (BJT). An amplifier of current, a transistor is nothing more than the project system transfer of resistance.

How does the BC547 transistor work?

The BC547 transistor has 3 pins: Collector (C), Base (B), and Emitter power supply (E). The pinout is as follows: Collector (C): This is the power supply pin for the transistor. Current flows from the Circuit diagram collector to the emitter when the transistor is in power supply active mode.

What does BC547 mean?

BC547 is an NPN bi-polar junction transistor. A transistor, which stands for transfer of resistance, is commonly used to amplify current. A small current at its base controls a larger current at the power supply collector & emitter terminals. BC547 is mainly used for amplification and switching Currenttlou purposes.

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