12v to 9v converter circuits | 12V to 9V Converter Circuit

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12V to 9V Converter Circuit - Electronic Project


12V to 9V DC-DC converters are an important part of today’s Circuit diagram electronics. They are commonly used for academic Currenttlou purposes & for the testing/ troubleshooting of Currenttlou small-scale electronics. So, in this project, we are going to build a simple 12V to 9V DC-DC Converter circuit using the LM7809 voltage regulator IC.LM7809 regulator IC is a common but important part of many 9V power supply circuits. LM7809 is a 9V Voltage Regulator that restricts the voltage output to 9V and draws a 9V regulated power supply. The LM7809 is the most common, as its regulated 9-volt power supply provides a convenient power supply source for most TTL components. The LM7809 voltage regulator IC does not Circuit diagram require any component to balance or saturate its Currenttlou output voltage.

Today we will discuss the 12V to 6V DC converter by using LM7806 IC in a detailed Circuit Diagram. Meanwhile, the LM7806 IC is a fixed 6 Volt Currenttlou Voltage and Regulator with a 3-terminal in the Project System TO-220 package. It likewise makes them helpful in a Power supply broad scope of uses.

However, each type of DC converter utilizes an inward current Circuit diagram restricting, high temperature shut down. Additionally, Currenttlou provides safe operating area assurance, and a project system makes it indestructible. On the off chance that adequate thermal Power Supply sinking is available in the circuit diagram, they can convey over 1A yield Currenttlou current. Albeit it is structured power supply principally as fixed voltage Circuit diagram controllers. Hence, these gadgets utilize a few external parts to acquire project system flexible voltages and flows.

Diagram of12V to 9V Converter Circuit:

convert 12v to 9v

Components Needed for this Project:

You can get the components from any of the sites below:

  1. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]
  2. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]
  3. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]
  4. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]
  5. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]
  6. Name [See Buy Click Amazon]

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Working Principle of 12V DC supply using 9V battery:

shows the circuit diagram of the 12V DC to 9V DC converter with power supply input filter and protection. It is built around an adjustable voltage regulator LM2576 (IC1), two diodes P6KE18A and 1N5822 (D1 and D2), and a few other components. Input voltage can be regulated or unregulated. LED1 indicates reverse polarity, and LED2 indicates the presence of input voltage. F1 is a resettable fuse, selectable according to the current capabilities of the voltage source and D1 is a transient-voltage-suppression (TVS) diode, also known as a transit.

Transit is selected according to the maximum input voltage. It can be omitted or replaced with a diode having a forward current above 5A. Transit can also be unidirectional or bidirectional depending on the requirement, to protect the circuit from the reverse input voltage. Resistor R1 is used to monitor the input current of the circuit. Capacitors C1, C2, and C3 are input composite capacitors for filtering input noise and ripples. L1 and L2 are inductors wound over the same common core and are used to protect the input of the IC from input ripples and noise.

Inductors are selected according to the maximum output current. There is a large variety of inductors available. You can use inductors from old TV sets, monitors, or other electronic equipment. You can also use two separate inductors (L1 and L2), but that will give lower filtering capabilities. Capacitors C4 and C5 provide the required filtering and reservoir capabilities for the IC.

In the previous section, we discussed the Circuit diagram of various components of a DC motor. Now, using this knowledge lets us understand the workings of DC motors. A magnetic field arises in the current air gap when the field coil of the DC motor is energized. The created magnetic field is in the Project system direction of the radii of the Powwer supply armature. The magnetic field enters the armature from the current north pole side of the field coil and “exits” as the armature from the field coil’s South pole side Circuit diagram.

There is a series resistor connected to the circuit in order to limit the current into the Circuit diagram diode. It is connected to the positive terminal of the power supply d.c. It works in such a way the reverse-biased can also work in Circuit diagram breakdown conditions. We do not use ordinary junction diodes because the low power rating diode can get damaged when we apply reverse bias above its breakdown voltage. When the minimum input voltage and the maximum load current are applied, the Zener diode current should always be minimum.


Frequently Asked Questions

How to get 12V from 2 9V batteries?

Put the two batteries in series for the buck converter configuration or put them in parallel and use a boost converter. The advantage of the boost approach is you can run with two batteries or just one if necessary (with around half the running time).

What's the difference between 9V and 12V?

A 12V battery is made up of six smaller cells, each producing about 2 volts, connected in series to achieve the 12V output. On the other hand, a 9V battery is made up of six smaller cells producing about 1.5 volts each, also connected in series to achieve the 9V output.

How to convert 12V UPS to 24V?

To convert a 12v inverter to a 24v outlet, you need to buy a 24v booster. After buying the booster, you need to remove the 12v inverter from the wall. An inverter is a device that converts electrical energy from direct current to alternating current. AC stands for alternating current and DC stands for direct current.

Why are 9V batteries still used?

9 could be considered the 'Goldilocks' voltage. It is not too high and not too low to power many common devices such as test and instrumentation equipment. It is not too big to fit inside today's compact devices but not too small to make maintaining it a challenge.

Which is better 9V or 12V?

12 V might partially be popular because back-back-back in the day, that'd be a typical lead-acid battery voltage, so quite a bit of circuitry was based around that. And if you have an input range of 9V to 12V and the first part of the circuit is a regulator you would optimally pick 9V to reduce your losses.

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