Controlling speed of 12 VDC fan | 12V Fan Regulator Circuit Diagrams

Controlling speed of 12 VDC fan | 12V Fan Regulator Circuit Diagrams

DC FAN Speed Regulator Circuit diagram - Electronic Project


The modulation is a process of varying the Circuit diagram parameter of a carrier signal in accordance with the instantaneous value of the power supply message signal. A modulation technique is used to encode the power supply message into a pulsing signal. A Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Signal is a method for generating an analog Currenttlou signal using a digital source. A PWM signal consists of 2 main components that define its behavior- a duty cycle and a project system frequency. The duty cycle describes the amount of time the Currenttlou signal is in a high (of and on) state as a percentage of the total time it takes to complete 1 cycle. The frequency determines how fast the project system PWM completes a cycle (i.e. 1000 Hz would be 1000 cycles per second), and therefore how fast it Circuit diagram switches between high and low states.

For decades, Circuit Diagram SUNON has consistently concentrated on its core motor power supply technology, and as a result, Circuit Diagram has accumulated various inventions and innovations in this current field. We now provide a 17mm-120mm DC Fan & Blower series and offer the most effective thermal solutions. In 1999, SUNON successfully Currenttlou released the MagLev Motor Fan, the Circuit Diagrm's first magnetic levitation motor in the Power Supply world.

As IC designers strive to put more transistors and run at higher speeds into Currenttlou smaller packages, there can be only 1 outcome Circuit diagram: heat! Couple this with the Project system fact that these high-power supply ICs are being designed into ever-shrinking boxes, and you end up Project system with a real thermal management problem. For many Power supply applications, this means using fans. Unfortunately with fan use comes the Project system's usual fan headaches of mechanical failures, increased power supply consumption, and more noise. Fan speed control and monitoring can ease some of these Circuit diagram headaches, resulting in quieter, more reliable fans that Project system use less power.

Diagram of 12V Fan Regulator Circuit Diagrams:

12v dc fan speed controller

Components Needed for this Project:

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Working Principle of DC FAN Speed Regulator Circuit:

The images on the right side are the completed circuit in a common PCB. The thermistor used here is a -ve type. Thus at room temperature, the resistance is very high so the potential divider voltage is near Vcc (12V). The reference voltage 9.2V is divided into different sub voltages and each is connected to each op-amp the higher voltage is to the top op-amp and the lower is to the bottom op-amp. So at room temperature, all op-amps non-inverting terminal voltage is higher than the inverting terminal. Thus the transistor base is at high. Thus the fan is OFF. When the temperature is increasing, the thermistor diver voltage decreases.

So it produces a -ve output and the transistor gets ON and thus the fan gets ON. In further increasing the temperature all the op-amps activated one by one. At last, all the op-amp is activated and produces a maximum transistor base current and the fan gets its maximum speed. This is the working of this circuit. First I test the circuit on a breadboard and then it is soldered into a common PCB (prototype PCB). You choose a good quality common PCB and soldered in it.

Here the circuit works based on the op-amp IC LM324. It is a quad op-amp IC. Here it is wired as a comparator for comparing the input voltages. That is we detect the temperature by comparing the Power supply voltage. The thermistor (-ve type) is connected as a potential divider thus its voltage is varied with respect to the temperature variation. Here a stable reference and voltage is provided by the 9.2V zener diode circuit diagram.

The diode reference is connected to the inverting input via different potential dividers to create different voltages at each comparator input. Thus by this arrangement, we compare the thermistor voltage in 4 different stages. The required output is the -ve output voltage. The -ve is obtained when the op-amp inverting terminal voltage is greater than the non-inverting voltage. The diodes are used to prevent the +ve voltages from op-amp otherwise the op-amp output will short-circuited.

At a point, the top op-amp is non-inverting, and voltage drops below its inverting and voltage. Connect the thermistor eternally through wires to keep it in the Circuit diagram's highly heated position. Use a precision resistor for proper working. Each output is connected to a common transistor via different resistors. The resistors are used to limit the Project System base current. The 390K base resistor is used to avoid false ON of the Circuit diagram transistor. The 3 capacitors are used to stabilize the voltages at the capacitor-connected points. This is the circuit explanation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Which component is used to control fan speed?

Fan speed is controlled with thyristor or transformer Circuit diagram speed controllers. Thyristor speed control. Thyristor speed controllers provide smooth manual motor speed control and airflow control respectively. Operation of the thyristor speed controllers is based on output voltage control with a triac voltage regulator.

How is fan speed controlled?

The speed can be controlled in two ways - controlling the voltage to the adjust lead or controlling the resistance between the adjust lead and the return. Either pulse width modulation or a variable voltage/resistance can be accomplished by either method.

Does the capacitor control fan speed?

A capacitor can be used in conjunction with a fan Circuit diagram motor to control its Power supply speed. In a capacitor-start, capacitor-run motor, a capacitor is used to create a phase shift in the electrical current, which controls the speed of the motor.

What is the mechanism of the fan regulator?

It has a wire wound resistor with different contact points as the Currenttlou speed positions, with each contact point Project System corresponding to a resistance value. The presence of a resistance Power supply reduces the voltage supplied to theCurrenttlou fan.

Does the capacitor increase fan speed?

A capacitor is connected to the start winding in a Fan. In a low-power induction motor like a fan, it is left connected permanently, so as the capacitor ages speed of the Fan reduces. Connecting a new capacitor will increase the speed.

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