8 Pin Timer Relay Wiring Diagram | 8 pin relay wiring

8 Pin Timer Relay Wiring Diagram | 8 pin relay wiring

8 Pin Timer Relay Wiring Diagram:

This diagram shows how to connect the 8 Pin Timer Relay Wiring Diagram. In this diagram, we just connect 3 SP MCB( single pole miniature circuit breaker ) 8-pin relays,s, and 2 lights. First, we need to input power to circuit breakers, then connect to the relay and bulb the same way as in the below diagram. If you want more clear details please check our youtube video.

Doagram of 8 Pin Timer Relay Wiring:

8 Pin Timer Relay Wiring Diagram
Fig 1: 8 Pin Timer Relay Wiring Diagram

Components Need for this Project:

You can get the components from any of the sites below:

  1. 8-Pin Timer [See Buy Click Amazon]
  2. SP MCB [See Buy Click Amazon]
  3. Light [See Buy Click Amazon]
*Please note: These are affiliate links. I may make a commission if you buy the components through these links. I would appreciate your support in this way!


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Components used to make the 8 Pin Timer Relay Wiring:

01. 8-Pin Timer

8-Pin Timer
Fig 2: 8-Pin Timer
Timer is a specialized type of clock used for measuring specific time intervals.An electromechanical cam timer uses a small synchronous AC motor turning a cam against a comb of switch contacts. This type of timer often has a friction clutch between the gear train and the cam, the cam can be turned to reset the time.A simple example of the first type is an hourglass. Working method timers have two main groups: hardware and software timers.Most timers give an indication that the time interval that had been set has expired.

02. SP MCB

Fig 3: SP MCB
MCB SP means single pole it protects only one phase switching. MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) Curswitch is the most basic general-purpose switch that you use to control a light or another device from one location. These Switches Have Two Brass-Colored Screw Terminals Connected to the hot Power Source Wires. (MCB) For any Distribution Board, the Protection System Must be Used in The Incomer. Phase and Neutral Single Phase Supply to break. 120-volt circuits, 15-20 amp single pole breaker is typically used.

03. Light

Fig 4: Light
CFLs work in a completely different way from ordinary lamps, they work by using a different process called fluorescence rather than generating light from heat. A typical light bulb wastes 90% of energy and converts only 10% of energy into light, this is where CFL has the biggest advantage. CFL- Curved or conical glass tube filled with argon and a small amount of mercury vapor. The inner wall of the glass is coated with fluorescent material. CFL- It is manufactured using the principle of creating fluorescent light. CFL- Originally white in color but now the construction and use of CFLs producing colored light has become popular.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is 8 pin relay?

In this video, we explain how an 8-pin electromagnetic relay works, an 8-pin relay has 2 NO contacts and 2 NC contacts. For common relays, namely pin 1 or pin 8, NO contact pin 1 to pin 3 and pin 8 to pin 6 NC contact pin 1 to pin 4, or pin 8 to pin 5.

What is the use of an 8-relay module?

The 8-channel relay Module is also able to control various appliances and other types of equipment with a large current. Red working status indicators of the lights are conducive to safe use. Widely used for all MCU control, industrial sector, PLC control, or smart home control.

What is the use of 8-pin IC?

This is a standard 8-pin IC base that allows the user to connect the ICs with the circuits. IC sockets are generally for preventing damage to ICs from soldering while testing multiple circuit diagrams. These are made from Black Thermoplastic or tin-plated alloy contacts.

What is 8 channel relay module?

Description.This 8-channel relay interface board could control various appliances and other equipment with high current flow. It could be controlled directly by any microcontroller. This product is a replacement for VMA436.

Is the 8-channel relay normally open?

The Relay is a digital normally open switch that controls a relay capable of switching much higher voltages and current flow than your normal Arduino boards. When set to LOW, the LED will light up or the relay will close allowing current to flow. The peak of the voltage capability is 250V at 10 amps.

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